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2019-10-25 The Art of Qigong
with David Surman R. Ac, R.TCMP

(Event Flyer)

Qigong is an ancient system of mindfulness and movement that has always been an integral part of Classical Chinese Medicine. Its application to modern health needs is becoming more and more common as many celebrities are taking up the practice.

Qigong is philosophy in movement, drawing on the principles of yin and yang, proper alignment and breath to develop a healthy and balanced approach to exercise and mental/spiritual development.

Most illness can be warded off by proper diet and exercise, or as the ancient sages used to say – the best medicine is NO medicine!

As a practitioner of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, I have found that many people lead sedentary lifestyles leaving them vulnerable to a range of diseases and un-wellness. Qigong offers very safe and functional exercises that can be practiced well into our golden years keeping our vitality strong and increasing mobility.

Conversely, some people overwork or overstrain their bodies which can also lead to injury and immobility. Qigong offers very safe and correct movement principles to preserve our health and increase relaxation without wearing down our mind and bodies.

The main emphasis of Qigong is balance. If we balance our activities with rest and our diets with proper nutrients our potential for a long, healthy and happy life is optimized.

PDF version

2019-08-10 Intro to Qigong

(Event Flyer)

Read more about Dave Surman on our instructors page.